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adult ballet

Ballet Mental Health Photo Sessions

Keeping It Real: On Eating Disorder Recovery

As an eating disorder survivor, I try to make a point of addressing the issue of eating disorders and recovery on C&V during Eating Disorder Awareness Week every year. I make the effort because I remember how lonely and difficult recovery is, and I know that the nature of ballet has meant that a fair number of dancers struggle with disordered eating. But this year, I didn’t want to do it. I got my act together enough to pitch an…

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Ballet C&V Ladies Photo Sessions

Photo Sessions: Flaunt Your Ballet Body!

Watching my fellow adult dancers in class is a good reminder of why I dance. Ballet is about constantly striving for improvement, and it can easy to get bogged down in the negatives: my turnout isn’t good enough, I can’t remember that combination, my alignment is wrong, my body isn’t thin or tall or muscular or petite enough. Sometimes it frustrates me when I don’t seem to be improving. But then I look at my friends in class: we laugh…

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