Ballet GIFs

Best Of: Sascha Radetsky in Center Stage

Sasha Radetsky gave his final bow with the ABT last week. We have sadly never had the privilege of watching the ABT soloist tear it up on stage. But we’re glad that his dancing skills, youthful vim and valiant stab at acting will forever be immortalised what is only one of the GREATEST DANCE MOVIES EVER – yes we had to put that in capslock – Center Stage.

Will we ever forget Sasha Radetsky as the clean-cut Charlie, battling with bad boy in leather pants Cooper Nielson (the equally fantastic Ethan Stiefel) for the affections of Amanda Schull as the babyfaced-but-perennially-annoying Jody Sawyer? Never.

Here are 10 of our favourite Charlie moments from Center Stage.

1.  When he effortlessly blue-steeled.

Look at that casual nod and walk past, that quick wink and smize coupled with a model-esque squint. Even Lady Maureen looks kind of stunned at his good looks, and she is a tough crowd.

2. When he got his salsa on.


3. And then magically lost his shirt.

4. And then really got down with it.


Jody was so enamoured she even gave him a boob shake. Get it girl.

5. When he busted out a double tour without warming up.


Actually it was a 1 1/2, but we’ll give him the extra half. Only for you, Sascha Radetsky. Only for you.

6. When he bought everyone doughnuts.


We love Eva Rodriguez’s sassy ways, but when Sascha Radetsky offers you donuts, you throw your cancer stick away and take two.

7. When he was smart enough to not wear a dorky statue of liberty hat for the group picture.


The guy on the right isn’t wearing one either. But he’s also wearing a suit and sunglasses on a ferry, which is a special kind of dorkiness in itself.

8. When he made sure his outfit matched Jody’s.

Nothing screams meant-to-be than grotty matching grey jumpers.

9. When he got into a dance-off with Ethan Stiefel.

sascha7It was awesome.

sascha9So, so awesome.


And even though Cooper Nielson bester young Charlie that day…

10. Sascha-as-Charlie pulled this out of his ass on the DAY OF THE RECITAL. With no prior rehearsal on stage.


And that’s how he does it.


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